



Jeline is the acronym of Java Event Link Establisher. The Java Event Link Establisher is an event broker implementation, which is compliant with the JavaBeans specification. You can add JavaBeans and EventListener instances and the EventLinkEstablisher class connects the correpsonding beans to adequate listener instances. But, this implementation of an event broker does not do the delivery of the events, instead it directly connects beans to event listeners based upon the JavaBeans Introspection mechanism. Therefor the name "Event Link Establisher". Additionally it provides filtering, which is realized as automatically generated proxy classes in between.

The intended target platform and programming language is Java 2 ver. 1.4 and higher.

This project is a spin-off of my diploma thesis, where I will use it. The thesis is related to another project hosted on SourceForge: Tockit. Additionally it uses a Debug class, which is part of the WeeJE project. If you do not download the files there (at least Debug and DebugBlock), you have to remove all Debug statements in the code to use the EventLinkEstablisher class.

The files available via the CVS are in a very early state. Be aware that there might be fundamental changes in near future.

Andreas Plüschke.

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Last changed: 2002-09-18, 12:39